Sweet boy turned 10 years old today!!!!
(In lucky years, I'm so lucky to still have him...2 yrs old)
His foal registration....awwww
We picked up his bday gift, a BIG bag of Omega Fields Flax to add to his diet...he loved it!
Here was why, along with a lot of read research that flax can help those predetermined to laminitis:
•RESTORE cracked brittle hooves and develops strong solid hoof growth
•PROMOTE shiny, healthy coat, and smoother skin texture
•ALLEVIATE stiff, immobile joints
•SOOTHE aching muscles and shortens recovery time
•STRENGTHEN immune system
•ELIMINATE sweet itch and bug bite sores
•ALL NATURAL without artificial preservatives
•ALTERNATIVE for pysllium which prevents sand colic
•RECOMMENDED for Insulin Resistance and Cushings
Birthday boy running after a good birthday roll!
It was spotty and rainy on his bday, but as luck would have it, it stopped for about 30 minutes so I quickly stopped his bday grooming and took him out for a RUN!!!
Terrible picture but the bday boy slopping up his slurpee with now added flax
Moving backwards, to review this past Saturday
It was W-I-N-D-Y so I wasn't sure what could be accomplished but I went out with high hopes
It was B-U-S-Y at the barn, lots of building, dogs, people, etc so great tests for Laz and I
Laz did amazing...we worked on just keeping him comfortable but listening
There were some big spooks, to be expected but when I patted him and talked to him he came back to earth quickly. He did a lot of tongue rolling and lolling which I've actually not seen him do, but then would blink and lick, so I assuming it was just anxiety and then himself working it out and calming back down.
I was happy with him and we w/t for 45 minutes despite the world going on around us, quite well
The BO had a riding lesson going on in the round pen, and there was building going on in Laz's pasture so mini had to come roam around the arena with us.
Laz and I channeled our Western side and did some cow penning....er mini penning, it was hilarious
Laz got so into it that he gently bit mini's rump and the little Wicked took off running, bucking and squealing, lol!
After our ride, we took a hand walk with another boarder and her Arab (you can't see them because they are on Laz's other shoulder side)
It was way too windy for us to feel safe riding, but we still wanted to go 'trail walking' so we went about 1-1/2 miles
It was way too windy for us to feel safe riding, but we still wanted to go 'trail walking' so we went about 1-1/2 miles
Hooray, I also tried on Laz's easy boots and they fit him again...his hoof is regaining a normal shape and made me feel better for our road walk

We are just walking by this PARKED semi truck...it was NOT moving, no worries. Laz walked by while shoulder bumping me the whole time like "Ummm...Mom, shouldn't YOU be closer to this giant, than me??"
I had to remind him of my space about 10 times
I had to remind him of my space about 10 times
We stopped at this baby bubbling brook to see what the horses thought of it. Being a water boy, I thought Laz would enjoy to step in it.
What I don't have a picture of is Laz choosing to not walk in the water, but perform a DEER LEAP over this brook about 7 feet wide and then almost trampling me (really he tried not too) but behind me in the picture is a wall of shrubbery so there was limited space for him to go. He caught me so off guard that he opted to jump instead of walking, so I quickly scrambled to the other side to coax him to walk over and he again LEAPT over, stopped by me, sighed and looked at me like "whaaaa...that...oh that's nothin."
Jeez...and ooops, he was totally fine, even though I freaked that he hurt himself (jumped!!?) but now I know to maybe not ask too much for this little frog horse likes to jump??!
When we got back, I let him graze the sides with his tiniest bff and enjoy the sunshine
Jeez...and ooops, he was totally fine, even though I freaked that he hurt himself (jumped!!?) but now I know to maybe not ask too much for this little frog horse likes to jump??!
When we got back, I let him graze the sides with his tiniest bff and enjoy the sunshine