Few things are better than riding your last day of age 34 on your trusty OTTB
It's a great way to pay homage to a good year, and here's to 35...
This was most of our ride...
Lots of trotting in the open field. It was 56 degrees, no wind and perfect.
Laz had a lot of GO, but no naughty behavior
Here's a zoom on above blob, lol...most of our trot work in the field...
A nice cool down with some trotting down the dirt road
Birthday Day!
There is a dog friendly outdoor mall about 25 minutes East of us.
DOG FRIENDLY Mall, I said!!!
Who doesn't want to take their pups and get coffee, try on shoes, jeans, look at ipads, etc?!
Smart designers for this mall layout, I say!
So, here is the mall "Partridge Creek"
To us, it had a California vibe to it
Great walk ways..all stores are open to the outside
I HATE an indoor mall...despise, in fact.
LOL, this is actually OK! Go ahead..pee on the bushes!
You can bring the dogs into some (most) stores which are clearly labeled with a dog friendly sticker on their front doors.
I found myself judging the stores that didn't allow dogs..like, F.U. lol! ;)
LOTS of dogs...like hundreds. Both Pudgie and Mason were quite a hit amongst the kids.
Lots of "Awww a big one AND a little one!!!!"
There is a "Three Dog Bakery" there too
Yummy treats for the boys
Pupcake Mason?
Pudgie mid slurp..and me trying to kiss him.
He HATES kisses..but he's learning to tolerate them
We took a little break from the concrete and strolled off to one of the parks
It was right behind the Mall..
Belly tickles for the stinkiest Frenchie!
Pudgie thinking "STOP!!!!!!"
LOL, I can't help it...
Then over achiever Mason found a 'stick'
Kind of the perfect way to spend a sunny 70 degree day
We dropped of the pups at home....
They were ZONKED!
We walked down our street to the new wood oven Pizza Bistro
YUM..totally amazing fresh food!
Red Velvet anyone? SLURP
Hey, this is a Michigan based company; "Just Baked" ..so I'm just supporting ;)
I'm telling you, Michigan has A LOT to offer..and this is coming from someone who grew up just North of Chicago.
I am a very happy girl here.
Speaking of happy...a sun drenched Pony and his lover laying out
I ran by Monday morning to snugglelove him and make sure he was fine with the temps that quickly dropped to mid 30's.
He was A-Ok
That was a great Bday weekend...
Now, off for drinks with my Girlfriends to add a vodka soaked cherry on top of this Bday Sundae :)