Oh Laz!
Where is my wonderpony?!
Where are we now in our progress of training? Over the last four days, I found out some truths.
I discovered that our foundation is swiss cheese. LOTS OF HOLES.
We had four days in a row together! I can't remember the last time I was able to swing that and I was SO excited to work him and be with him Thurs-Sun.
Thurs- I already did a post on that
Fri- He was uppity. Next door, there is an Arab farm and there is a 5 month or so (adorable) foal and their BO was walking him up and down the road. It made Laz frantic. He froze.
Staring at Foal right before he blew up and knocked my phone out of my hand...nice.
Then, he BUCKed and fart and try to bolt practically ripping my arm out of socket. Whoa buddy, but I got him to come back. We continued our hand walking and he was ok. The foal went away, so I had Laz's attention back. To get his attention prior, forget it. I tried and I failed. Short of screaming in his face (which I'm not going to do) he didn't even hear/see me. Not good.
So, then, after a few good minutes, I rode him in the round pen and we did OK. He was spooky and jumping around but I did get the bitless to finally fit.
Bonus on that, Bummer on horse behavior.
We finished as Stormy, his Arab man-crush came in so we let them play. Laz is like the home schooled kid so I enjoy when he's able to play with others.
Saturday- He was awesome angel baby and we were alone at the farm so it was quiet. Hmmmm, beginning to see a pattern here. Laz pays attention to me when it's quiet and has no distractions.
Well, now that's not really a reality that I can depend on "QUIET ON SET!!!" He has to deal with his environment changing while not turning into a monster.
Sunday- (**I went to visit sweet
Enzo and Janine at their farm, but I will post separately about that because it was so interesting but too much for this post as well) So, Laz started out quiet, lazy dazy, soft mouthy playful during grooming in arena.

Two other boarders were there riding. Laz started to pay more attention to them. The neighbor cutie pie foal was out for a walk again, and of course, all eyes on him. The foal's Mom was screaming for him, and then foal in return whinnied back. Laz started his rockets and all I could do was circle him around me, trying to change directions to get his attention. He circled and never once looked at me-his neck and head were cranked towards the foal in the road. He was FLYING around maniacal and was so powerful, scary and dangerous. He would only stop when he wanted to, to HONK snort at foal, freeze and then he was off flying again with NO regards to where I was. He kicked out at me and I cracked my whip on his rump for doing so. I was SO PISSED!!! Really?! You are going to kick out at me...you are more concerned with this foal then running over me?! He was racing around crazy. I called him a M'F'er. In fact, I screamed it. Sorry...but I did. I'm being honest. I was pissed and wanted to cry that 'where was my horse and who wants this BEAST??' The truth is, I felt very frustrated with his crazy behavior and didn't really know if I was making it worse or better.
Should I have stopped and put him away? I didn't even trust him to walk alongside me, he was so psycho. Should I have kept at it and insisted on getting his attention (which I never got!). UGH!!!
After about an hour of his frantic behavior and me now TELLING him to circle, reverse, circle, he was dead wet in a sweat and his attitude was no better. Of course too, during this, I'm thinking of his foot. He wasn't at all, but I was.
We stopped, I rubbed on him and thought I have to get through his brain. He exhaled ( at this point now boarders were out of arena and foal was gone) and we started just hand walking around. He was fine. I took him to barn and hosed him off (which he stood like an angel for) and then walked him back in the arena, some more. He was OK, not giraffe neck and honk blowing, but not lowering his head down either and thinking. He remained staring at the road in the case the foal returned. He never really paid attention to me, he was just going through the motions.
I wanted to end it after the 2 hour B.S. brigade, so I asked for three simple tasks: turn left nicely at a walk, turn right controlled at a walk. Stop, back up and DONE. We stopped. I petted him, rubbed it all away, took him back in paddock and wanted to sob.
I couldn't sleep all night thinking, well, I have my horse...this is him sometimes. What do I do now? I'm not a quitter and I'm not willing to give him up. I know he has it in him to think, I have to figure out how to get him to not blow up and loose his bananas. More on that later...I think I may have a plan.
Tonight, I'm going out to the barn and starting over.
I'm letting Sunday go but not forgetting.
We will win this battle of fear together and reconnect.
I have to slow it down for him and introduce things s-l-o-w-l-y so he can handle it and master it.