Welcome Whitley! No, she isn't mine..no more pets for now for us! The BO's, C&J adopted Whitley, a Rottweiler/Shepard mix 10 wk old female pup from Detroit Animal Control this morning! Now their black lab mix, Caitlyn (Mason's girlfriend) has a new sister!
Look at how her little snout fits inside Laz's sweet snout!

C took her out to meet the rest of her family; Jazz (on left), Ellie (closet Roan) and Jessie (Ellie's Mom)

Ellie and Sawyer getting nose to nose with the 'littlest horse?...or a dog?"

Miss Whitley! She is TOO cute with her baby puppy breath, pin like teeth and bunny soft fur!

Love how Mare-ish Jessie is here with her flattened ears and wild eye! She is a Tinkerbell and makes me laugh at how girly she is. She obviously has a watchful eye over her herd.

Sweet old man Jazz, I think he is nineteen and still has a trot that could win blue ribbons

Sawyer giving J a kiss! Can you tell their horses are loved?

Miss Whitley taking a one eye open nap during barn chores cuddled on C's vest

Mason passed out in my car on the way home after running like a mad man at the barn. It is SUCH a treat that I'm able to bring him out there. He loves it.

As far as Laz news..my brown boy is continuing to look really, really good! We did more pilates, stretching, grooming, ..the norm in keeping his mind focused on positive things.
On another note, I saw a quote in Jane Savoie's newsletter that I thought was beautiful..I'm not sure who it was by, but here it is:
"Horses and Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole"
What a cute puppy.... I love how the horses seem to be checking her out and saying hi.
Oh, they are beautiful photos of the horses investigating the puppy! Mason will sure be getting exercise at the barn with his new puppy friend to keep him busy. Horses and dogs do keep our lives whole.