Do you dream of your horse often?
My dreams change but are so vivid. I have been dreaming of Laz a lot lately and it's always me riding him bareback, like this image below from his birthday last April. The dreams are peaceful but I am so cautious in riding him for fear of his 'bad' back legs. In my dreams all goes well until the end, where he slips and falls and breaks his legs. I know it has to due with his laminitis in his hind, but it's torturous. I hope when/if we do start riding, he is fully recovered and I can get the image of him being broken out of my head (somewhat) to be able to enjoy him and not ride nervously. I miss being on his back and feeling that connection. Soon though.
On another note, my husband and I were watching the news the other day which featured yet another non-profit barn going into foreclosure. We both felt so awful for all those horses that who knows what will happen to them? What was their life story so far? I can only feel happy for the one little man I I'm putting all that into him.
Wouldn't it make for an interesting documentary to follow a horse (racehorse, show horse, farm horse, etc) from Foal to last days of life, to see what kind of lives these majestic animals live sometimes. I think it would put people into perspective of why we cherish ours so much.

On a funny side note-my cousin made this Avatar of me to seriously make me laugh so loud I almost sprayed coffee thru my nose when she emailed it. An Avatar is a replica of yourself (I think anyway) and this one she said represented who I am.
I'm in a riding outfit, with Lazarus (loose interpretation) wearing an Asian hat because when I was born to my Greek family, I literally looked Asian for about 5 years with my almond eyes and I ADORE Asian food, so it's been an ongoing joke in my family. She put us in a kitchen being I am a kitchen designer. Pretty well rounded, lol!