Are you kidding?! What a face!
I'm having such fun going through all the pictures that my sister took! HUNDREDS, I'm set for a while and the hard part is picking which ones to print and decoupage my house with-lol!
I'm entering (er...entered at age five, let's be honest) the crazy zone of "I LOVE MY HORSE' obsession but I can't help it!
Lazarus has been such a trooper with his healing (so far we he still is doing great and stable) and doing well with our hand walking and riding.
There is this new bond...I can't explain it but we are building a better team.
He knows that I'm his.
This photo above was after a mini little neck and poll massage...I think he was saying 'thanks'
He's been SO awesome to ride. Less spooky and I'm getting more aware of consoling him before he gets overly anxious. Sometimes I catch his signals and other times I don't but we are having FUN!
Easy, walking and turning and obstacles and around the property a bit...easy... but I'm riding him and he's listening. The other day, I was lazy and not using my leg cues correctly and I saw him start chewing in frustration...so today, I was carefully to think, ask, and he responded beautifully.
What a smart pony!!!
I am happy to just walk around and see his ears perk at my requests, or enjoying the scenery. I may have the slowest OTTB right now and I love every second of it.
What a smart pony!!!
I am happy to just walk around and see his ears perk at my requests, or enjoying the scenery. I may have the slowest OTTB right now and I love every second of it.
He was obsessed with Tina and her camera...I think he misses his own paparazzi cooing after him for photos!
Eeeesh..those bangs!
Tina thought with his new cop horse hair roach, that the bangs should have been lopped off as well.
I'm starting to think she may be right! :)
And the garden is OVER flowing.
Today I picked:
Celery, purple cabbage, butter lettuce, romaine lettuce, jalapeno, banana peppers, green peppers, white and red onions, wax beans, green beans, patty pan, zuch's, a few red cherry tomatoes (that I ate right away) parsley, cilantro, dill, basil, and stevia.
I made a delic Vegan Indian soup for dinner....MMM, so good!
PS. Some barefoot thoughts:
Things to talk to Cliff about next week, during Laz's trim.
Laz's right front frog is curving towards his left back...normal? Looks like a tadpole..I'll have to take a picture.
His hooves still are showing signs of tiny parts of thrush..I think I'm going to try spraying it with Apple Cider Vinegar. I've been treating it with the same stuff (that dries udders) and I'm not seeing a huge difference..better but not huge and it's been a couple of months. His paddock is literally immaculent so it's not that.
Right rear still looks funny but he seems to be walking better as if that chunk coming off felt good. I want to know if Laz's limping and choice of not wanting to trot is due to back/pelvis/ribs being out (Chiro comes out next Wed for 2nd treatment) or if it's more hoof related.
I just want to make SURE that we keep him on the right track heading into Fall/Winter.
Lazarus attitude=A+ so that's gotta be a good sign things are still looking well!
Always...Hooves and fingers remain crossed ;)
Summer is great.
Enjoy your horses today!!!
I knew that you would start reading him better. That is how Olly and I are now. If I just pay attention to him and what he is trying to tell me things go much smpoother. I am so glad that you two are growing together!!
ReplyDeleteThe veggies look awesome, but a vegan dinner? I am not sure I could hang. I have to have my protein...and by protein, I mean MEAT! lol.
Laz is such a bundle of cuteness! He looks like quite the ham who is lapping up all the attention he's getting. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteAs far as thrush -- I highly recommend trying White Lightning! The stuff is literally the BEST at all things hoof-funk-related. Plus, SmartPak now sells it, so you can order it along with any other horsey stuff you might need. It kills everything (bacteria, spores, fungus, etc.) while doing zero harm to hoof tissue.
Other things to try: Yes, daily spraying of apple cider vinegar is very effective. You could also try 1/3 Lysol 2/3 water, as different feet respond to different things.
You can mix triple antibiotic/athlete's foot cream, put it in a small-tip syringe, and apply it to the deep crevices (especially the central sulchus) daily. Some people alse add Desitin to this mix, but it isn't necessary.
Whatever you do, don't use conventional thrush treatments or bleach/water -- those treatments can kill healthy hoof tissue, which just gives the thrush more "food."
OK, I will get off my soapbox now! Lol. If you need any help with the White Lightning, just shoot me an e-mail and I will give you the low-down; I have it down to a science by now!
Great blog :-) Here's another horsey blog to check out: www.toffeeapples.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteLaz is adorable, as always! Sometimes these periods when you can't ride a horse much if at all can be real periods of developing your relationship - very valuable and too many people don't take the time to develop this.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Mom at Oh Horsefeathers swears by White Lightening for thrush.
Kristen! I love the photos of you and Laz. You two really have gotten so close. (The silver lining in a scary situation? No, I guess meeting Cliff was the silver lining and this is just extra-yummy icing on the cake!!!) Speaking of yummy, you are quite the gardener with those great veggies!
ReplyDeleteLove the photo's. We gonna get to see more?
ReplyDeleteThose photos are adorable! I totally know what you mean about entering the "horse crazy" phase again:)
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to read about someone else's OTTB. Especially as cute as Laz!
I miss Laz! I actual dreamed about him and he was just running in the green fields like a true happy pony! :)
ReplyDeleteFrizzle: The camera I have been happy with is a Canon Rebel XTi SLR (400D) with a 18-55mm lens. I really enjoy it and have lots more to learn with what it can technically do for capturing. But if you LOVE taking photos with some creative control then it's a great one to research more about- ofcourse there have been upgrades, so it all depends what you are looking for:)