About this Blog

Meet my very 1st horse, Lazarus.
I couldn't wait for Santa anymore or ask one more time for a pony for my bday (after age 30 it got embarrassing). I took matters in my own hands and I finally decided to pick a pony that needed a new home. Laz found me as I contemplated with this idea. He was sweet yet very sassy, fresh off the track, Thoroughbred (OTTB).
Join us for our re-training, rehabbing from laminitis and testing all parts of mixed up horsemanship and partnership, and luck...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Seven years ago today, I rescued Lycius Two, my Lazarus. Today, the universe worked out that I had a work day free of appointments and major pressing items, my riding/barn owner/friend had an open day, kids were at their day area, it was 74 and sunny with no wind or bugs and fall color is in its final burst of glory.....so we enjoyed a 2 hour trail ride. And all four of us enjoyed it-the thoroughbreds were plucky but calm with sparks of humorous naughtiness. Just the best. A great way to quietly celebrate my partnership with my rescue. 

Walking the field to our hidden trail
The two old men. Pito is 16 and Laz is 14
Loving to lead ...
The smell was incredible. Dry, sweet, earthy and crunchy. Fall rocks. Darkness sucks. 
We stumbled on a stick teepee. So freaking cool. Who built it???
Such a fun 2 hours. SoulFULL. 
Thanks Buddy. 
Glad we found each other 


  1. !!!!!
    Been thinking of you and your family - hoping all was well. Looks like you made the most of the day with your ♡ horse.

    (Can't decide if the teepee is cool, or if it reminds me of The Blair Witch Project lol...)

    1. Oh gosh. I was totally thinking Blair Witch Project too. Happy seven year anniversary! So happy you got to spend it in such a beautiful way!

    2. LOL, well I'm SO glad I didn't think of the Blair witch project at that moment b/c I would have FREAKED!!! I was thinking innocent boy scouts built it but eeek....

  2. Glad to hear from you and that all is well!

    1. i have been better at posting more on FB or instagram but we are all very very well and happy :)

  3. Happy anniversary to you and Laz!! He is so lucky to have found you. I still think back to that day when it was almost the end and how the snow delayed things and he made a turnaround. I'm so happy it all worked out so well. :D

    That tepee is cool! I didn't think anything creepy about it lol.

    I'm glad you got to enjoy such a great trail ride. He is looking awesome!
