About this Blog

Meet my very 1st horse, Lazarus.
I couldn't wait for Santa anymore or ask one more time for a pony for my bday (after age 30 it got embarrassing). I took matters in my own hands and I finally decided to pick a pony that needed a new home. Laz found me as I contemplated with this idea. He was sweet yet very sassy, fresh off the track, Thoroughbred (OTTB).
Join us for our re-training, rehabbing from laminitis and testing all parts of mixed up horsemanship and partnership, and luck...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dealing with lameness

Oh Lazaroo!
I had the vet out last Thursday to see what was up with Laz. I had suspected an abscess and then that caused him to walk funny, then become sore in his hind end. But a couple weeks later?
After her evaluation, she thought he looked like he had taken a spill. As in, fallen down.
He was humping his back and just showing overall soreness.
She treated him with Equioxx and Banamine and left us with a 5 day supply of Equioxx for continued pain support. Poor Boo!
Needless to say, I haven't ridden him since his 'abscess' and surely wouldn't hop on with him walking around like a stiff old man.
We are permitted to do 'soft' ground work, freestyle no lunging just yet as he needs rest
Below we worked on some soft pressure releasing of his face and legs while he stood.
 Below is his processing face. I only 'played' with him as long as he seemed interested, because when I don't feel good, I have a short span of patience. I can only assume the same for him.
 This was prior to vet's arrival, just some grazing time with Mason in one of the pastures

 We have a recheck tomorrow to see how he's feeling in comparison.
He's also been put on selenium as his levels were extremely low (most of MI is testing low fyi this year) and he's eating it well (with cocosoya added to it of course)


  1. The things they do. Hope he comes around quickly. :-)

  2. Poor Lazaboo!
    Surprised he's low in selenium, since isn't he on CA Trace?
    Sending jingles and healing vibes to Laz--hope he is all better and back to his normal self soon!

    1. He was, he hasn't been for a while now as the other horses were at the time eating it so it was too expensive to have if he wasn't eating all of it. MI is extra low this year! The low selenium could be adding to his back/muscle soreness...he's been on his new supplement for about a week, and I will retest soon.

    2. Oh, yes, that is tough when they all eat together in the pasture.
      What about feebags? When Salem was in Wellyworld, they used them on all the pasture horses so everyone would get all of their own food (and only their own food!). Salem really likes his, and I still use it since he's such a messy eater!

  3. Hope he feels better soon!

  4. Poor boy. Those things can be so annoying!

  5. Poor Laz!!! I hope his recheck shows him in the all clear. I hate mystery lameness (or any kind really). The pictures are great. Looks like you've been having some nice weather!

    1. Weather is finally nice, at least he's enjoying it being outside 24/7

  6. Glad he eats the selenium!!! I hope he is better:) xoxo

    1. They wouldn't eat it without the cocosoya..something in that, horses do not like!

  7. Hope he rechecks okay! He is looking so studly body condition-wise right now!

  8. Now I NEVER like to hear about a horse feeling down in the mouth and possibly injured! Good thing you and the vet are on it! Laz sure looks pretty (oops, I mean handsome!) in the photos. June is an awfully nice month to recover in. I am looking forward to reading about his progress in your next post.

  9. Just checking in on you two... hope all is well. Happy Summer!!
