About this Blog

Meet my very 1st horse, Lazarus.
I couldn't wait for Santa anymore or ask one more time for a pony for my bday (after age 30 it got embarrassing). I took matters in my own hands and I finally decided to pick a pony that needed a new home. Laz found me as I contemplated with this idea. He was sweet yet very sassy, fresh off the track, Thoroughbred (OTTB).
Join us for our re-training, rehabbing from laminitis and testing all parts of mixed up horsemanship and partnership, and luck...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Trail ride and hoof update

I love that Laz nearly always comes up to me when I arrive to the barn
Could be food motivated...
The colder Fall is here and I've started giving Laz his soaked Ontario Dehy cubes
Pito likes to sneak in a few bites ;)
We had a gross hatching of lady bugs everywhere a few days ago, when the weather was sunny and warm. They were irritating the horses tremendously and I kept hearing them ping off the barn's metal doors. Nature can be so funny

 Last week, Laz had a double spa treatment.
Acupuncture and chiro adjustments from Dr. Weaver
Snap, pop and Laz goes into licking/chewing mode
 Followed by M to do his feet.
We decided to leave his foot bare this go around and see how he does without the cast
I felt good about it. I like to allow air in but wow we got some great growth from those cast, especially in his heel
Thrush still there, clean trax soak coming up next...
I'm hoping along with the air, movement from riding and soaking/every other day spot treating with Thrush Off, it will continue to grow OUT.
Heel growth!!! Boo ya. 
Now we need the back of the foot to continue to bulk up and stay strong
 In terms of working, Laz and I have been trail riding a lot!
E and I met a couple of weeks ago and took Laz and Pito out
It was the most relaxing trail ride. Both the boys were in Quarter horse mode and were chill and kerplunkity. It was want we wanted that day being cold and lazy.
No drama, just an easy easy ride.

Our during the week work usually means I hand walk him. I'm usually in my work clothes plus barn boots and it's all my work time allows mid week.
No complaints.
Triple duty: Walk the dog. Walk the Pony. Walk me.
 Speaking of pupster, how cute is Mason?!
He loves, er LIVES for his barn time


  1. :-) Makes my heart happy to see you two together.

  2. Wow that hoof growth looks great! Love those lazy happy trail ride days! And yes, Mason is the cutest!

  3. Laz looks good and happy - so does Mason boy! What fun - hand walking. Those trail photos are just beautiful. Still so jealous of Laz's chiro work - I never really found anyone to go pop, ping on my boys.
