Why do I suck my cheeks in? I don't know...it's actually not cute.
What is cute; Lazaroo....
On days that I don't ride, I still work Laz. We do ground work, pasture or road/trail work.
He is still ouchy over gravel so I keep him mainly on the grass sides
"MMmmmust stuffs facez!"
We have such great grass and hay is being fed out too, but for some reason Laz can drop a bit of weight quickly in the start of Fall. Not so much as of late, but I'll keep an eye on it.
Trotting together down the road, Laz on grass strip
Yay boy!
"Must consumes all Kaloriez lost bak in!"
Mason can be such a good pup! Off the leash and sticks by our side
Leads the way for us
Ride time!
FINALLY got his name put on, I wanted his vs mine
No pictures of this ride because I had no pockets! Boo.
BUT, we had a motorcyle pull out of a driveway and Laz just signed at it and licked his lips, like "OH I seez deez ALL da times"
The guy even stopped and said "That's a real nice Quarter horse you have there"
After our ride, Laz was all "OK I is done wif you"
Sometimes he sticks around for cuddles, other times he has grass and friends to get back to.
Playing lots of 'touch it'
I hope when we do get to Kensington for more trail time, he has no issues with water
He typically doesn't but the other two horses DO so we'll see if we can give them bravery or if Laz will let them decide his brain power
LOVE this cooler Fall weather!
and apparently so does this Bay pony
(now while this looks dreamy, truth be told, his right lead is non existent currently...maybe in time)
And sweet Mason is doing so so well and quite happy to joining in on visits to see his big brother
and broccoli.