Mason; he is about 8 weeks out from his surgery and healing
SLOWLY but surely
Trust me, Frisbee is just now a chew-on toy...NO throwing.
No more. Not ever.
Not worth it. They say he'll blow out his other knee most likely within 1-5 years so I would like to prolong that as long as I can, IF I can.
Oh Masie Pie, it sucks getting older but he's doing great for a 9 yr old with a bionic metal plated leg
He definitely went through a bit of depression
Now that we are able to play more, move more and take walks twice a day, he's happy again
He still hasn't been back to the barn, but hopefully in one more month!
I may only take him a couple of times a week, we'll see
His fur is taking FOREVER to grow back, poor lamb leg
Sweet Mason!
Pudgie starring in
"How to Itch your nose French Bulldog style"
It's exhausting work
Take breaks
Channel your upside down flying skillz
Snort and gurgle...
Check to see if camera is still clicking..
Use those abs and your tiny frog dog legs!
Success! Nose itched
And the star of the show blog!
Laz and I had a great, positive and fun lesson (what's that?!!!) last Thursday.
We worked on our Parelli while riding, trust and indirect/direct aids and all went very well.
One great thing about this training, is I can cater it to his level of rehab and my trainer is AWESOME and soooo positive.
I can't gallop him, I don't really want to canter or even trot much right now... certainly no jumping, or true body shaping dressage work but we CAN work on riding communication, positive training and trust all bareback and on a loose rein in a big open field.
I can't gallop him, I don't really want to canter or even trot much right now... certainly no jumping, or true body shaping dressage work but we CAN work on riding communication, positive training and trust all bareback and on a loose rein in a big open field.
Not too shabby considering.
Eating in the summer rain
I leave on Saturday for a couple of weeks for my sister's wedding in South Africa.
Dogs will be with trusted sitters, Laz is going to be looked after by BO and fellow boarder and of course, Justin his lover.
I've got an appointment when I return for a new set of digital xrays and ultra-sounding his hind tendons to see where we are at.
That information will lead us to our next few steps.
Wish us luck, that all animals will remain healthy and are fine with their vacation time off and no major issues arise while we are away.
I do get so anxious leaving the furrkids but South Africa and a WEDDING awaits!