About this Blog

Meet my very 1st horse, Lazarus.
I couldn't wait for Santa anymore or ask one more time for a pony for my bday (after age 30 it got embarrassing). I took matters in my own hands and I finally decided to pick a pony that needed a new home. Laz found me as I contemplated with this idea. He was sweet yet very sassy, fresh off the track, Thoroughbred (OTTB).
Join us for our re-training, rehabbing from laminitis and testing all parts of mixed up horsemanship and partnership, and luck...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

enjoying the moment

Welcome March!!!
Here is a quick video from today's lunge play
I couldn't stop smiling!
(sorry for the elevator version of Coldplay but trust me it was better than me kissing, clucking and goo gooing over him)

Thursday we had the Chiro out for an adjustment and acupuncture  He said he is always pleased to see how Laz continues to make progress (blushing cheeks!)--uh me too!
He noticed his tipped pelvis actually changed from being tipped to the R, it was more tipped to the L, so he re-adjusted. That change could have been brought by a slip in the ice/snow or just Laz's body realigning things. No biggie. He worked on his neck (Laz can NOT touch his sides with his mouth--trust me, can not do it) so we are always doing carrot stretches, etc but he's going to focus more on that and worked on his jaw/poll area. Laz is always a puddle in his hands. It's very positive and totally worth the money.
I actually asked the Chiro if he thought he looked good enough in his back/pelvis area to possible start him back over callavetti's and possibly up to cross rails, etc. this summer. 
He said "Absolutely, he is a healthy boy"
I'll talk to my trimmer next round (weather won't permit us to start too much new anyway) and gauge it with my personal thoughts of how he progresses with that. 
As you know, I'll never push Laz. At the same token, I have to start riding and enjoying him in the moment, as he is and not have in the back of my mind, all the time, is he OK???
I'm just elated to have a sound looking horse who is 100% happy and having fun.
Well worth the fight.
Bravo Laz!
Laz eyeing up the pasture...let's do this!
Getting better at heel first landings...not perfect, but improvement. 
Time, exercise, diet, trim

 I love his reach on this one...
 I think he can handle an x rail....don't you??!
 Nice elevation but a bit toe first..

 Having fun
 My bold OTTB, I mean..classic f'ing beauty
 Could be a trotter?! lol

 Panther stretch..that adjustment did him right

What a good boy, he really enjoyed himself today.
After our session, he was all cuddles and yawns but he loved getting some play time outside of his pastures.
Hello signs of Spring


  1. Oh my! He looks fabulous!!! I'm so happy with how far he has come. You're right though, you need to start enjoying him instead of worrying that he will break lol. I need to start doing that too. ;)

    1. Yes, I have to switch to more positive and less finger nail biting :)

  2. He looks great :) the video put a smile on my face

  3. It makes me so happy to see Laz looking so solid!!!

  4. He's definitely looking better--YAY!!! :-D You've done such a great job rehabbing him.

  5. It is so great to see him happily bouncing around and moving so well. Good work :)

  6. Laz looks super!! Yes, common spring:) xoxxo

    1. I know but I was happy footing wasn't horrific this weekend, I took FULL advantage of it :)

  7. Adorable, happy Laz - all looks great!

  8. He truly has come SO, SO far with his soundness - even just last summer he had a lameness in his videos, and now he doesn't. He looks AWESOME. Kudos to you, your trimmer, and your team!
