There is something about doing ground work with Laz that gets him calm, quiet and responsive quickly. It's familiar to him, it's our best form of communication and it does help while in the saddle at times. Hopefully, soon, ALL THE TIME ;)
FuzzLaz after some trot work.
He was so swingy and springy with lots of great breathing and maintained a really nice, hunter's trot
"Don't peg mez as a HUnterz..Ima not to be peeegin holedz"
Side note, Laz's tongue and gums since DAY ONE, have always been pale. I've run many bloodwork/screens on him and he's healthy as a uh er um horse, but I don't like it because it's not a good source for me to check for his hydration. :/
Oh well
"Gimmez my carrut stix now"
After we do our Parelli work, Laz LOVES to gently mouth play. It's cute. It's always followed by lots of yawns, eye rolls and other releases so I know it's part of his processing and contentment.
Now for some HOOF updates
This last trim, my trimmer M opted to not cast and give his hoof a break.
Fine with me. Laz didn't take any different step/stride so I was happy about it.
Although it's SLOW, as Laz's hooves grow SLLLOOWW despite any supplement I throw into his body, it's still progress.
You can see the growth below and I think we are really moving forward here
Yes, I would like the back built up a bit more, the thrush completely gone, etc BUT growth people-there is growth that is tight and healthy looking.
Also, I see that purple line at his coronet and I'm not sure what it is...he doesn't react when I push on it so it could be a small bruise? You bet I'll have my hawkers on it.
At the back of his heel, (above) you can see where, at the time, was above the cast, some divets. Either abscess holes (although no lameness was ever seen) or just grooves from pressure?
Still loading uneven due to thrush, white line separation from damage being worse on medial side
The hope is as the thrush grows out and we keep it clean, the hoof will repair itself and then proper re-balancing of this hoof and ALL around can take place
It's also so hard to see the truth, it seems SO much more unbalanced than it is, but I do see more 'jammed' up on lateral side at the hairline. In person, it really reads as so different.
Medial shot from underneath. See how that hoof wall doesn't even hit the ground?
His medial side grows uneven to his lateral side, we think due to the seedy toe/white line disease/thrush/lamintic damage from years. ugh.
Better sole shot of medial, this is what I treat every other day with
Solar shot of RH
Frog and back still need to beef up but it's better.
Seems the heel and bars are changing monthly as well
One of my many weaponry
So, let's compare today's solar shot with years past
Today, below:
Two years ago, below, Winter 2011
Spring 2010
Summer 2010
Crazy. Each shot looks so different.
I just hope we continue on this path of Laz moving soundly and happy.
My Laz's hard working LH
Is that not a gorgeous Fing hoof?!
Yes, some WL separation but not much and he's due for a trim in a couple of weeks...
LH side view
Keeping him moving has really helped along with his regular trims and the cast has proved very helpful as well. Are his hooves perfect? Well, if you say yes, then you need to study hooves ;) but they are perfect for him, right now and the good thing is, are ever changing and improving.
The ever constant quest continues! (and lucky to be able to)