It's amazing, in a rehab that is FOREVER long, that the poor Pony I rescued to train to ride, is really like my big sweet puppy that I walk.
Well, with my trimmer's blessing, I get to start working with him again
Just walking, unless Laz 'wants' to trot but I won't really push for that yet. I'd like to see it via ground work for a while first.
So, just in time for the Olympic fever, I'd like to introduce my Ian Miller Crosby!
He's been sitting patiently and waiting since we last really rode, back in 2009.
He's been sitting patiently and waiting since we last really rode, back in 2009.
I'm happy to say, it seems like it does.
The girth?!
It barely made it!
Low head, loose happy ears
Whew, he didn't seem to show ANY discomfort (at least at our walking pace) to his old AP saddle
Discomfort was for me, the idiot who rode with yoga capris and now has two pinching bruises on both my calves. DUH and ouch
Here I am literally holding my leg off him. Nice.
My Husband joined us and went for a run while we hacked for 40 minutes.
You can make sure when he returned I threw him my phone and was all "TAKE PICTURES!!!!!"
Despite his big ol' fiber belly, I think Laz looks damn good for a rehab pony who burns 9 calories a day
Happy calm babeee
Sweet Mas just watched us ride while chilling in the shade
He doesn't even know but he brings a lot of comfort to Laz
Bare hoovies!
Back to the horses
I think someone was quite pleased with himself, he did manage to work up a bit of a sweat (teeny)
He is so handsome all dressed up!
All done, groomed and some liniment gel on his legs (ps did I mention he had no tears but some old scarring that showed up on Ultrasound, probably from racing years, so this is to maintain comfort after rides)
Felt super great to be back on him after a month off
I had just precautionary waited until I had my new trimmer's approval
Anyone have good ideas to make walking a little more interesting???
Ground poles will be coming into play...