About this Blog

Meet my very 1st horse, Lazarus.
I couldn't wait for Santa anymore or ask one more time for a pony for my bday (after age 30 it got embarrassing). I took matters in my own hands and I finally decided to pick a pony that needed a new home. Laz found me as I contemplated with this idea. He was sweet yet very sassy, fresh off the track, Thoroughbred (OTTB).
Join us for our re-training, rehabbing from laminitis and testing all parts of mixed up horsemanship and partnership, and luck...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Riding on

This footing makes Laz super happy to move out on.
One day, I hope he can trot out like this on any surface
I'd like it if he was landing more heel first vs toe, BUT I'll take that nice forward stretch in his right shoulder. 
Maybe that means all that stretching our Chiro showed us in paying off? 
I'll find out when he revisits this Thursday

I hopped up for a quick ride on Saturday, it was JUST TOO beautiful of a day to not.
I wore my old helmet while I wait for new to arrive
This field is FUN to ride in.
There are small hills that are great for walking, trotting, etc
BUT..it is also a field that excites Laz
 LOTS of room to romp in, and the last few rides, his attention on me have been less than stellar
 I did A LOT of walking, turning, stopping , backing up, walking out, etc.
I did ask for a trot a few different times and I got two bucks at my first ask, which I responded with more leg to push him forward and then by attempting to half halt him to get him to lower neck. He does this thing where he acts like he's behind the bit (even though we ride bitless, but you get the idea) and then head shakes/bucks. Once I push him past it, I get a nice lovely trot...but I'm NOT enjoying the bucks or bad behavior. I need to figure out WHY and then address it
For me, it's hard to rule out that it isn't something 'hurting' him and he's telling me, OR is it excitement, freshness? There is a FINE line between the two.
He's not pinning his ears, or kicking out, it's just like he puffs his chest, arches his neck and wants to buck BIG but offers a smaller buck.  The only problem is, the last time, he gave a few little bucks followed by a bigger one that unseated me
 I intend to get some video so I can SEE what is going on.
 After our ride, I decided to walk out on the smushy dirt road, since it's been MONTHS for some  trail hacking variation in our riding.
Laz was more alert, but like I said..it's been months so to be expected. He did great though, no spooks and even walked up to a large trash can to 'touch it.'
 We walked out to where the deer often hide but didn't see any
We walked through the brush and Laz snuck a couple of bites.
And then Mason channeled his inner OTTB and started racing around us
 In circles, alllll around us. 
Good thing it doesn't bother Laz
 Go Masie!! He's 8 and still thinks he's 3
Having fun, Mason???  ;)


  1. The last shadow picture is to die for - frameable - and Mason is adorable doing his fly bys. Great job getting out for a trail ride!!

    Laz' behavior sounds like Val lately... head tossy, head shakey + bucky. Usually if I press on it goes away...

  2. My bet is that sweet Lazaroo is feeling better than he has in a while--all that hoof work, chiro, stretching, anti-inflammatory supps, etc. have probably given him a whole new level of comfort that he hasn't felt in a while. That plus open pasture and brisk weather = recipe for friskiness! ;-) Now might be a good time to start trying out that treeless saddle; you probably need some more security to ride out those bucks!

  3. Cairo gets the zoomies around Lucy sometimes, too. I get more worried about it than Lucy does!

  4. Love the shadow picture - and Mason - oh, my goodness! So glad that Laz loves his brother and doesn't mind that bustle in the hedgerow. Wow, Laz is good.

    I hope his bucks are just for fun - no pain. You will work it out. Maybe walks are ok good for now and out on the dirt road is fun for you both. Pie has to touch all the trash cans too! Funny boys!

  5. Those shadow pics are awesome! It looks like you had a fun ride, except for the bucks. Those sound like "WHEEE" bucks instead of "I'm hurting" bucks since he throws in the head toss with it. My horse does the same thing when he's feeling good.

  6. Oh no, I don't like the bucks either, however small they may be! The shadows in your pictures prove that even though it is winter you are getting some very nice sunshine. That can make all the difference. Love the shadow pics. Funny how the grass looks so different in the shade, isn't it? My dog races around just like yous! She's like a pinball!

  7. Ya, the bucks are beginning to be 0 fun for me, as I dont like getting tossed off, but I do feel it is coming from 'giddiness and excitement' versus him saying something hurts. I'm SO careful as to not push it either way

    The treeless saddle may have to come out, finally, and I've got a SUPER cool new pad coming my way to outfit him in as well. BONUS!

  8. I LOVE that last picture of Mason!! So cute!

    I think the bucks are just Laz feeling good. :) I think he'd be showing other signs if it were a discomfort thing.

  9. He's come so far! You're doing great with him! :)
