About this Blog

Meet my very 1st horse, Lazarus.
I couldn't wait for Santa anymore or ask one more time for a pony for my bday (after age 30 it got embarrassing). I took matters in my own hands and I finally decided to pick a pony that needed a new home. Laz found me as I contemplated with this idea. He was sweet yet very sassy, fresh off the track, Thoroughbred (OTTB).
Join us for our re-training, rehabbing from laminitis and testing all parts of mixed up horsemanship and partnership, and luck...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Obstacle Course!

The BO's put up a new obstacle course!
It's fun and works on desensitizing and gives the horses variation to just the big arena.
The Buckskin in the picture, Buck, was so sure footed that he gave BIG confidence to the other horses.
Laz hardly spooked..in fact, the 'car wash octopus' thing..he walked into it, stopped when the flaps hit his face, camel lipped it but for the first few tries wouldn't walk through.  When he finally did, he FLEW through it but then he calmly walked through with no problem.
He nosed the flags on the cones and licked the barrels and sniffed the tarp and walked over the cavellitis no problem.
I figured all this variation is good for regaining his muscles and working on his stomach and back
The BO's granddaughter is visiting for a couple of weeks and how lucky is she?!
Here she is riding 19 yr old QH Jazz

On my way home there were these amazing hot air balloons (don't worry..I was at a red light stopped) and I thought...whoa...that is HIGH! I don't think I could do it!

And in case you wanted to walk the obstacle course with us...here's a video!
He rocked it like a Champ...I was very very very proud!
He got LOTS of carrot nibs for being a brave boy!

One note of concern..after we walked around for about an hour, Laz was tired (granted it was like 85 degrees) and limpy, so I didn't push him.  I let him graze, drink water and just relax with me after doing the course several times.  He did great over the deck board plank but after a few times over it, he seemed sore so I stopped walking him over it.  May be too much for him. AND..I don't think his boots fit him.  His feet are widening which is good, but they are also just a very odd oblong shape right now..so hopefully they'll fit again at some point.  He hasn't shown less limping from the past trim, he seems to be at the same point for the last several weeks.  I'm always wondering what it looks like in there, but I don't want to do xrays (cost and for reasons that it could cause worsening with laminitis).  Cliff says to wait...so we wait. 
I try to focus on rehabbing him for his physical but also for his mental state.  I think he likes variation and he licks his lips a lot so I'm just keeping up with it.  We do our walks 3-4 times a week and he gets a day off in between for just paddock time.


  1. Obstacle courses are a ton of fun. I just made a stone boat this morning to pull behind Indigo but if it does not work out I am going to use it as a bridge.

  2. Way to go LAZ!!! I am not sure Olly would do the tarp or the car-wash thingy. He would jump it, but touching it is another story. lol You and Laz have come along way! Great job!

  3. I love that you are finding ways to keep his brain occupied while you do your hand walking. It's got to be helping his healing process to feel like he's got a bit of a job to do. Plus you look like you're having so much fun!

  4. I am really wanting to make an area like this too. I want to make a bridge and the hangie down thingie, but I think i am gong to use pool noodles.

  5. It's so great to find another blog of someone with an OTTB in Michigan! I've been following your rehab with Laz for a few weeks now and really admire your love and patience with him. It WILL pay off! I've been lucky with my boy so far, but founder or lameness can happen to anyone. Great Blog!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Tristen looks so happy and grown up!! thanks for sharing
